Perfil de Meg Earhart

Rose Colored Glasses

When reading the poem, “Unfortunate Traveler” by Billy Collins, what stuck out to me was that the memory of the traveler seemed to only be as clear as what his lens would allow. This idea of having your sight be only as good as your lens allows resonated with me and is what I, ironically, tried to capture with my own lens. My little sister, Piper, has autism. She is joy without bounds and far better a person than I could ever hope to be. Her best asset doubles as her greatest weakness, however, in that she quite literally only sees the good in the world. My goal was to depict scenes (or settings) that we, almost instinctively, approach with caution- but that Piper instinctively only sees as beautiful. Naively trusting everything, believing that no danger is ever posed- she sees the world in rose colored glasses. It is through those glasses that served as my inspiration for both content and color choice. Each photo dominated by sharp contrast, due to her rose colored lens.
Rose Colored Glasses

Rose Colored Glasses
