Antonia Reiter's profile

Postcards of my mind

Postcards of my mind - One day I’ll write an essay about you and I’ll not change your name
With “Postcards of my mind - One day I’ll write an essay about you and I’ll not change your name” I tried to create the visualization of my personal mind process. It’s a love letter to my mind and the troubles I had/have/will have with it. It’s the constant fight between loving and hating. It’s accepting the moment of panic and anxiety in your own world and creating a safe space of living. „Postcards of my mind” is a mind process of the realizations that your past is connected to your present. Everything you’ve experienced is decisive of what is going to happen to you. As well as the experience you want to feel in your future. Everything is connected to your present. One day I will write an essay about everything and no names will be changed, no situations will be simplified. One day everything will be written down as it was and I will accept it.

The first approach was to create three files, in the formats 40x40cm, 20x20cm and 20x40cm. 40x40cm should be the present, 20x20cm should be the future and 20x40 the past. Which then became 20x20, 10x10 and 10x20 during printing.

The basic idea was that the present, the foundation of all being, must be the biggest and the hardest. The present appears to you always as the most real, although you are aware that its changing in the alteration of time. Although we know that things happened in the past that led to fundamental changes of the times, it has no value on the weight of the present. The next thought was then the visual implementation of past and future. I realized pretty quick that the past should have a bigger format than the future. I made the past into 20x40cm, because I came to the conclusion that the past actually had the size of the present, but we do not see the value of giving it the full breadth. In the end, that would be the epitome of "living in the past". The future was actually relatively logical to understand. I had these ideas of "how should I create something that's not existing" in my head. Every action in the present or in the past has an impact on my future. Literally the thought of my future has an impact on my future. Of course you can't see anything in advance, but I think that the reflections of the future in the present are making small waves in the future. 

My favorite pages:
page in "Present"
page in "Past"
page in "Future"
Postcards of my mind