"M" is a brand for development projects from Major Development in Bangkok, Thailand. The company is well-known for their entertainment complex, Major Cineplex, and many luxury residential buildings. M was created to be a brand of their high-end condominiums for young people. The focus is to those hunger for the urbanness and always live up to what is current. Neutral yet shouting was the idea at first because the range of ingredients for the project is hugh, the identity needs to be able to live up to all of it.
The idea, then, evolve from clash of things to a 'selection' of things. It was not anymore about cover up whatever things we have and make it work but select something out of the best and make it our own. So the execution was to take on a traditional style typography and make a twist little touch on it to make it current.


"M" is a brand for high-end condominiums development projects from Major Development for young people.
