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What Fishing line you should use?

What Fishing line You should use when you go to fishing!!

No wonder that fishing with a rod and reel is so much fun, right? But after choosing the appropriate rod and reel, picking up the right line based on your situation comes next! If you can’t choose the appropriate line for your fishing situation, then there’s a major chance that you will lose the battle. 

However you may check out my some most recent review on topreviewgeek about the best fishing gear and accessories

Fishing line is like a tool, we have to think about our application and then have to pick the appropriate tool for it! In other words, thing about the type of fishing and choosing an appropriate line for that.

I love every types of line for separate purposes. Let’s say monofilament lines are the most widely used line, they are amazing in some sectors and sucks in some! Braid lines are great choice for casting a very long distance and real deepwater fishing!

If you wanna know all about fishing lines like the types of fishing lines, individual descriptions, what fishing line to use for which situation and fishes, pros and cons then using  it, fishing by yourself with it is the best solution! But let’s just share some of my knowledge with you.

What fishing line to use?

Choosing a fishing line fully depends on your fishing situation.

Types of fishing line

You can have 3 types of fishing lines in the store.

1. Monofilament
2. Fluorocarbon
3. Braid 

Now , these are the lines that you can find in the market. Let’s go into more details about each and every lines. But before that this are the pros and cons of every type of line.

1. Monofilament: It’s the most popular and widely used fishing line. If you are a complete beginner, this line is the perfect one for you. For complete beginner to a fully expert angler, monofilament lines are used by all! This nylon made monofilament fishing line is the cheapest fishing lines among all others, you can cover a full spool just with a couple of bucks.

Why monofilament is best for newbie anglers? It’s because of its stretchability, it helps the newbie anglers to fight the fish. The fish can’t unhook itselves easily for the stretch and you will get the delay to retrieve it!

Monofilaments are best for topwater fishing because  it floats, this line has a lightweight so it simply floats in the water and helps a lot in crankbaits and those topwater fishing like bass. So if you are fishing for-

1. Top water fishing
2. Fishing in murky water
3. Fishing small ponds, lakes and rivers
4. Have no experience and chance of losing lines

Fluorocarbon is the best choice. Get the best branded fluorocarbon lines from here.

2. Fluorocarbon:  This Fluorocarbon lines are pretty amazing. They are totally invisible in the water, that increases the possibility to bite the hook by fishes. You will got lot of features and extra benefits with a Fluorocarbon.

Fluorocarbon lines are less stretchy than typical monofilament lines. That makes it more sensitive than a mono.

Fluorocarbon lines are abrasion resistant. One of the major benefit of fluorocarbon is it sinks in the water, heavier than mono lines. If you want your line or lures to go deeper, wanna do some bottom fishing than definitely fluorocarbon is the line. Works great with crankbaits, swimbaits.

Fluorocarbons are really durable, the downsides are it’s thick line diameter and awful line memory!

Let’s come to a final decision about this fluorocarbon lines, if you are planning to go for

1. Fishing in clear water
2. If you wanna Catch some line sensitive species like trout, panfish or crappie
3. If you want to go your lure deeper and stay there
4. Using chatterbaits, swimbaits or those deepwater baits

Fluorocarbon is the best choice. Get the best branded fluorocarbon lines from here.

3. Braid: how about casting a very long distance? Well, the best choice for casting in a very long distance is braid. This lines have got no stretch at all, 0 stretch what i love to say! Braided lines are so sensitive, it’s a gift and a curse at the same time. You can feel the bite quickly because of its sensitivity! But needs a lot more practice to keep it hooked.

Braided lines have extremely thin line diameter, you can cast a very long distance and still there will be enough line in your spool. It goes deeper, the situation where the fish is in deep cover, it will help you to get the fish!

Bass loves to get into the cover! Braided lines are so effective for bass fishing, you can cast a long distance and get the bass out of the cover with this braided lines.

Braid lines are highly abrasion resistant, for big game fishing braid lines are so effective! You can go for a very deepwater fishing with braided lines, it can reach even 30-40 foot underwater and for the zero stretch it works great!

So braided lines are to great decision to choose if

1.    Fishing in really deep water
2.    Casting a long distance
3.    Get the fish out of the cover
4.    Go for big game fishing

Beware of some braided lines which has thick diameter like monofilaments! You will find the best braided line from ​​​​​​​
What Fishing line you should use?

What Fishing line you should use?


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