"Did you hear? '

The topic of my final works were a mind map. When I first heard this phrase, I almost did not know what mind maps mean. This term has been recently popularized by Tony Buzan, who published several books on the subject, where I looked for the initial inspiration. Tony Buzan creates mental maps with graphs and joining of words and images, which should ultimately help solve your problem. Put converts thoughts from the brain. This creates different patterns and networks describing how the idea develops and given all the things related.
Initially, I have long considered how to grasp the subject. I found it very relevant connecting people through their actions and ideas and just above the topic. Finally I chose the theme as a carrier spreading rumors.
In my area, the rumors, gossip and intrigue spread and create just different maps. They affect not only my life, but certainly yours. I wanted to deal with the thought maps on two levels. Because not only that person will himself thinking about the rumor, but apparently it will continue to communicate. This will also develop social maps.
My intention was to engage in this work, as many people and, of course, without their knowledge, that the rumor is fictional. As a coherent group of people that I could watch I chose 1 to 3 years in all areas of our school. Spreading rumors was conceived as a fun game. I chose the five closest people around me (of course students IAD), who often move between each other and have a lot of contacts. I told those rumors theme, which was: "The new building will UUD instead of the diner fastfood (McDonald's)." "Sowers rumors" Although rumor could spread further, in any form, but it could give only a limited number of people. Everyone could choose only three people from my studio as well as any other three students UUD, your choice. They will then write down the sower, when and to whom rumor said or from whom it heard. I support the rumor and filling in fake posters with the words "McDonald's plus UUD equals LOVE". And deployment discount cards mentioned in the menu fastfood outlets. During the spread of posters describing different people or even ripping. Information has come to such an extreme, when a couple of students went to the director UUD intervene (Doc. Ak. Mal. MISTER) against this plan. The information from the "sower", I finally assess how many people and which day increased. The successful spread rumors I simultaneously gaining and using survey data, which I set up on Facebook. Clearly here, as expected, won dismissive reactions of students to set up McDonald's.
Then I analyzed all the information and materialized into multimedia image. In collaboration with our faculty of Electrical Engineering I made diode board - the "digital image", where each student represented his UUD LED. It will light up if the FAME know or does not light. The information I have divided into 12 sequences, each three-second sequence means one day. This will see the number of people on that day for the rumor spread. You can see not only who is aware of Fame and when, but also the connections between individuals and groups. Mind map thus creating a single digital image spreading rumors throughout the entire group of students IAD. They are here to recognize the interaction between different disciplines or studios.
Finally, my work is the revelation that rumor about McDonald's in our new building was false. And so that students on the blackboard "lights", is a victim of a hoax small.
This "experiment" had two levels. The first plane was actually thinking of man and his position and a second plane was even more interesting observation of social interactions around the community of students UUD I graphically portrayed on its digital image.
Did you hear?

Did you hear?

Social conceptual art about fame
