ESAD.CR logo suggestion
In the academic year of 2018/2019, ESAD.CR will be 30 years old.
30 years of differentiated teaching of quality, specialized and attentive to the artistic world. In 30 years, ESAD.CR has positioned itself as a dominant agent in both national and, increasingly, international education. There are 30 years of experiences, experiences, new students, teachers, 30 years of a community that is dedicated to making the ESAD.CR an incredible and memorable place.

ESAD.CR is ...

Good training
Good atmosphere
Professionalism Prestige
Sharing Ideas

ESAD.CR is already all this and aims to be much more. We want an image that conveys what we have been and where we want to get: The value we have and the recognition we aspire to have.​​​​​​​

Courses Logotypes

Outras versões de Logotipo

30 anos, 30 cenas

Logotipo ESAD.CR

Logotipo ESAD.CR

ESAD.CR logo suggestion
