Per Arne Kobbeviks profil

Interior shots for an Oslo apartment listing (Sørenga)

This is a selection of shots I took for my first "real estate interior photography" assignment. A friend needed pictures for her "for rent"-listings of her Oslo apartment. The time of the shoot was lunchtime, and luckily the sun was out. In Lightroom I adjusted the exposure, highlights and shadows, and added a bit of warmth to emphasise the sunlight effect. I also sharpened the pictures a bit. I used a Canon 500D,  18 mm kit lens, with the internal flash (using a "Lightscoop").
Things learned: Next time I would bring a tripod and experiment with longer exposures. I would try and get hold of a better lens and I would set aside more time for the shoot  (we spent about 35 minutes.) However, much can be achieved by adjustments in Lightroom, as long as the pictures are in "raw" format.
Interior shots for an Oslo apartment listing (Sørenga)

Interior shots for an Oslo apartment listing (Sørenga)

A quick shoot for a friend's apartment listing. My first "interior photography" assignment.


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