As a student of International Lifestyle Studies you are always in search of the meaning behind things, to look for a connection to find a deeper understanding of why things are the way they are. This is called Trendwatching. When we have certain valuable information we then implement this knowledge in a concept for brands and companies for them to strenghten their identity and to face the future with confidence. We look for motives within society while searching for an increase in quality of life for target groups and ultimately connect the dots. 

For this project I was involved in making a trendreport in the branche living and appearance for our client 'Trendy Products'. An online sales agency focused on B2B customers. To stay on top of the latest changes and the needs of the clients, a trend report is a good method. It will help to stabilize and give inspiration to a company to ensure a succesful future. 

Within this trendresearch I was responsible for one trend I spotted which is 'Zoom'. We made use of the trend method 'Intuitive trendwatching', which is using all your senses to feel the 'hunch' of a change. This hunch usually begins with: 'There is something about ... these days'. It is like a hypothesis which will be researched more deeply by signals within all kind of branches from which we use images, articles and headlines to see the change that is happening. After this step we delve even deeper and find specific research to prove the existence of the upcoming hunch, which can be a trend in the future or already is a trend in happening.

Here you can see the most important signals of the trend 'Zoom'.                                                        

'Zoom' is about "Exploring a new world by zooming in on nature to be able to live an ecological and sustainable future". The values behind this trend explain the 'zeitgeist' of our time. We need to change how we live by adopting nature's laws. We learn to innovate through nature and technology and make use of 'biomimicry and nature anology to come with answers for a balance in the use of resources and other problems of today and tomorrow. 

Trendreport 2014 'Zoom'
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Trendreport 2014 'Zoom'

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