Mojito //live generated motion graphics  
This R&D was done using Notch motion graphics software, it is incorporating various workflows and tools that this software offers.

All of this R&D is mostly based on Procedural meshing and piping various elements to procedural system.

Here is the list of tool sets used:
* Procedural meshing via 3D primitives and external 3D objects
* Procedural meshing via particle systems
* Procedural meshing via field level sets
* Voxel cone lighting based reflections
* Voronoi post process

It would be quite an article to cover all the major elements of this R&D, so I decided to make a video tutorial about it instead. There are several assets used in this R&D that prevents me from sharing the original work file, I have a subscription to - megascans  hands down one of the best places to find organic assets for your 3d scenes. Since I have used some of their textures creating background, I decided to make a tutorial and downloadable file with those assets excluded.

Credit is due to couple of other websites that I pulled assets from:
LUT colour grading pack - Greyscalegorilla - best $99 I have ever spent
Motion FBX models - Mixamo - Free if you have Adobe subscription
HDR images for Environment map - HDRheaven - Free

Here is a still from the breakdown tutorial/downloadable for the reference.
Feel free to download and use this file for commercial or non commercial work




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