This sculpture was inspired by the creatures of the ice age. The piece is a depiction of a Woolly mammoth in motion as if to be grazing or foraging for food. The Mammoth is the beacon of the Ice age and one of the most recognizable megafauna of that era.
The process began by researching images of mammoths and African elephants for reference and created a sketch of the basic form of the animal. From there, I made an armature from wood and wire in order to support the weight of the clay. Clay was layered on to form major muscle groups and body structures as close to anatomical accuracy as possible. Once the sculpture was at its final form, it was layered in black and brown paint before scoring and texturing the surface to give the appearance of fur to the animal. This project was a great learning experience. 
Ice Age Icon

Ice Age Icon

Clay sculpture of a Woolly Mammoth.
