Profilo di Hippie House Studio

Discovery Kids Cocinacción

Discovery Kids - Cocinacción

Client: Discovery Kids

Our 'Discovery Kids' friends have come with an amusing and ambitious proposal this time: we have to face the complete Production of Cocinaccion (Shooting, Design, Animation and Postproduction). It is a package of ten recipes to encourage kids to cook with their parents and eat healthy food.
Firstly, the shooting was made together with a group of professionals formed by a Chef, Photo Director and Actors (children and adults). Children were filmed while cooking meals with their own hands!. After that we made the design of a wide graphic system formed by an Opening, Titles, Recipe table, Lowerthirds, Transitions, Warnings, and Close with a Positive Goal. As well we create Mum and Dad characters who are present all the time with important advices.
Our challenge was to create an amusing, colourful and didactic design while taking care of little kids when things turned dangerous. We had a great time while generating these characters and playing with different colours and shapes!! We hope you can cook some of those recipes.

Visit us at
Discovery Kids Cocinacción


Discovery Kids Cocinacción

Discovery Kids Cocinaccion
