Profil von Vitor Carvalho

Estudos Sobre Belo Horizonte e Minas Gerais

In the context of the BDMG Cultural Institute 30th anniversary, this book compiles texts about a diversity of subjects using the city of Belo Horizonte and the state of Minas Gerais as backdrop. While each article is introduced by a different kind of ruled paper, content originally written as footnotes was instead treated as sidenotes, subtly alluding allusion to marginalia. A plastic dust-jacket commonly used on notebooks protects the object produced to be freely distributed.

Print production with Gabriela Silva

15.8 × 22.5 cm
408 pages

Estudos Sobre Belo Horizonte e Minas Gerais


Estudos Sobre Belo Horizonte e Minas Gerais

Book compiling studies about the city of Belo Horizonte and the state of Minas Gerais in the context of the BDMG Cultural Institute 30th annivers Mehr anzeigen
