Series of personal illustrations, called "My Cute Villains". I just imagine, that negative characters are not so terrible, they have a life behind the scenes, with their own problems.
{Freddy Krueger}
One, two, Freddy is already waiting for you. He bought flowers, wine, visited one specialty shop, decorated his home (as far as possible), and even kindled a fireplace, I mean the firebox. Freddy is not handsome, but he is very hot guy.
Pinhead loves all sorts of metal things very much... But he so tired to explain to security service,
 that it is integral part of his style, or rather his body, when every time in his presence
 the metal detectors go crazy.
 {Hannibal Lecter}
If you see red spots on the clothes and face of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, do not rush to call the police. 
In fact, he just loves to eat a cherry.
{Samara Morgan}
It is too hard to keep hair in a good condition, when you spend so much time in a cold wet well.

{Jack Torrance}
It’s useless to knock on Jack's bath, when he brushes his teeth. To always shine with perfect grin, as then, at the Overlook Hotel, he needs to pay special attention to the oral care process. 3 types of toothpaste, 3 toothbrushes, dental floss, mouthwash... he uses all it daily, after every meal!

That feeling, when you broke your favorite knife ... by your favorite sausage

{Critters & Dr. Alan Feinstone}
Do you know whom сritters are most scared of? Of dentists, obviously. Especially such unbalanced as Dr. Feinstone, famous for the film "The Dentist" 1996. Probably not many of you are familiar with this character, unlike the сritters... But I'll tell you one thing: after watching "The Dentist", I began to ask my dentist to hold my tongue during operation of the dental drill.

Art-prints with this illustrations available in my shop
My cute villains

My cute villains

Personal project, where I show the famous villains from the other side
