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Restau Renaissance 響宴

響宴 Restau Renaissance​​​​​​​

Restau Renaissance is an experimental concert which expects to break the public’s stereotype of Renaissance music, which is too difficult and artistry. They try to inspire the audiences by connecting the early form of the music with daily food of the age. Songs are interpreted into appetizer, soup, main course and dessert. The experience of listening to the songs is like having a set meal. 
As a result, we illustrate food, wine and meals by tabs and notes. People chatting and singing together around the table is a visual message to invite audience to sit and enjoy the savor of the fifteenth and sixteenth century life.
In printing, the brochure designed as a menu is the highlight. A paper with rough texture printed with gold ink is intentionally used to express the classical elegance of the Renaissance.
Project Director | Chi-yao Tang
Design Manager | Hsiang Chia Wu
Art Director | Burusu Huang
Designer | Burusu Huang
Print | 易加印刷 Sam Hsiao
Photography | Chi-yao Tang
Client | Taipei Chamber Singers
Design Agency | triangler® 三名治
Art Director | triangler® 三名治
Designer | Burusu
Photography | Joe Tang
Restau Renaissance 響宴

Restau Renaissance 響宴

Restau Renaissance is an experimental concert which expects to break the public’s stereotype of Renaissance music, which is too difficult and art Leer más
