Hannah Jordan sin profil

Project 4 | Stand Book.

A bold design for a bold book. Stand was designed to target and be a source of encouragement for new young Christians and old Christians alike. The deadline was tight but it was designed and printed in time for the annual Historymaker conference.
As this 200 page book was full of information there was a need for visual hierarchy in the text to highlight important scripture or to indicate reflection. For the main text Gill Sans was used and bolded every time the word Stand appeared or when there was important scripture. For the personal notes and reflections sections the font Architects Daughter was used for a youthful, personal, handwritten feel. At the beginning of every chapter the first paragraph was marked with a double arrow.
This book is neat, tidy and well balanced for easy reading.
The main design consists of a bright orange and cool grey colour pallet with the chapter titles screened into the background and on the back cover the Historymaker dog tags.
Project Components: poster, book, web ad.
Project 4 | Stand Book.

Project 4 | Stand Book.

STAND Book Project Components: poster, book, web ad.
