Mi illustration's profile

Tradition and digital.

Tradition & Digital 

What is the relationship between tradition and digital?

In this digital era, we hardly use a pen to write. The way we write nowadays is no longer about stroke, pen selection, whiteout and ink. Computer typesetting can write in any font, any size, and you can delete and copy the sentence at anytime you want. The way we write become remembering the position of the letter on the keyboard. Sometimes you forgot the word or write in wrong spelling, the computer will generate and correct it for you. You don't need to think. That is what we lost during this technology changing. We are no longer allow our hand to write and to learn and remember through doing.
The experiment shows that if we want to write a sentence, the way we do is striking the keyboard. It presents the relationship between tradition and digital is intertwined but somehow it's different.  
In this high-tech fully development era, lots of physical work become a digital code or computer program.
In letterpress, everything is in physical form. You can feel it, touch it and smell it. 
The sentence I utilized in this experiment is my research question " What is the relationship between the tradition and the digital?"
Tradition and digital.

Tradition and digital.
