Profil von Marian Agyare

A Day at Jersey Mike's Subs

This was taking at 9:45 am at my job place and we have to coming 6 am to 10 am and open up the store. So in this pictuer my GM(general manager) is slicing tomato with a tomato slice  while bread is baking in the oven. In this pictuer i wanted to show how we prep our fresh produce.
I took this because my GM was being goofiness and her joyful-self and the fact that she is bearfoot around the store because she was trying to take off those shoes behide her but she was having trouble with them.
So here I took a picture of how fresh bop lettuce which we have to bop and wash everyday and every morning. I took this picture from the lower belly buttom area.  
Took this picture to show how our frontline is set up when you walk in, I took this at least at a height of 5'6 foot.
I took this picture because I liked the focusness on her face while counting the money, I also liked the way her hand looked in this picture. I thought 
I took this wanting to show the side that people don't get to see form a differnet perpective with the slicer being the main object.
I wanted to show that we are always not prefect when making subs, we mess up sometime, and this picture one of my co-worker messed up and had to remake it. I took the picture from a kids height.
In this picture I wanted to show how a finish and ready sub look like, also taking from a kids height or a kids eye level.
I took this picture because I was limited to the area that I could stay and take picture, because we was open and there was customers in the lobby. So i took it near the grill area where we amke our hot sub from a my height (5'2)shot. 
This picture was taking by one of co-woker while I was work, I like how it almost on me but more on the grill and the topics in the unit and it was taken shot on an eye level.
A Day at Jersey Mike's Subs

A Day at Jersey Mike's Subs

