At the home page, you can add tags to each transaction. For an example, if Justin wanted to see how much he has been spending on food for the past month, he can tap the food tab and see all the items tagged with food. The main purpose of the app is to pay and request money from other users, so the other features are hidden away in the menu. The menu icon has an alert to notify the user of things that require attention, such as incomplete transactions. I've redesigned the payment button to make it more intuitive. The main feature of my redesign is adding a "split check" option which allows users to easily split things such as dinner bills and groceries without having to do tedious calculations with tax and shared items and then having to individually request money from each person. Users can create groups that they frequently split checks with, such as housemates or a carpool group.
The user assigns items to each recipient, and the total for each user is displayed under their icon. This was the most challenging for me as there were many ways I could have approached this. I considered a drag and drop pattern, but thought that it would be too confusing and cluttered. After many iterations to find what was most intuitive, I believe this design is successful.
Venmo Redesign

Venmo Redesign
