Profiel van Joanna Jelly

٠Various Posters٠

*various posters*

Poster for the Dancespace annual performance in Trikala Greece (Collaboration with Upmess |
                collaboration with
Collaboration with Upmess  |
Toolkit 2 | Poster Exhibition about the Prevention of Breast Cancer  | We design for Life
Toolkit 2 | Poster exhibition about Freedom of Speech | E Design Your Expression
This poster has been exhibited in Tehran for  the "International Poster Exhibition in Tehran" (Recolor Somalia) 
April 2012
Collaboration with Upmess  |
The Swink Project | 20-05-2013 | Τhe Art Foundation | Organised by the Corn Studio, Athens
Student project
Student project
٠Various Posters٠

٠Various Posters٠

Different posters, various projects,


Creatieve disciplines