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Painting Techniques of the New Age

                                              Painting Techniques of the New Age

Every aspect of our daily lives has been revolutionized in the new age. Technology and new ideologies have established them and brushed away the old thoughts. Since the world has changed so much, it’s obvious that the way we capture it also has to change. Artists have started to break away from the old methods to adopt new ones.

The number one item associated with painted has always been the paintbrush. The colors, the type of paint, and the canvas varied with each artist, but they all used the same paintbrush to paint their vision. As everything was evolving, artists noticed that the art painting also needed a change. David Alfaro Siqueiros, a Mexican muralist, was the first person to shun the paintbrush. Him and other artists believed that new art needed to embrace more of the world. So, they began to develop new methods that use the entire human body instead of just the hands and incorporate industrial techniques and material made available to them.

The airbrush technique is also known as the photo retouching tool. Artists use it to avoid painterly brushstroke and surface on their painting. It’s done by using compressed air to to spray paint on a surface. The results are very realistics and are similar to photography.

Digital painting
With digital painting, the computer is the new canvas. There are many computer software that were created to allow artists to express themselves through the screen. All the softwares have plenty of digital tools such as color palettes and brushes available for the users. Inkjet printing allows for them to printing with all their beautiful details.

Speed painting
Speed painting is many times combined with digital painting. It’s an art show where the artist has limited time to finish his piece. There are many different techniques of speed painting on the field. There’s the glittering painting which is when the artist draw a picture that cannot be recognized until glitter is projected onto it. There are many live show of glitter painting for public or private events available all around the world. Speed painting also includes color mix and splashing art.

Body Printing
Body printing implements the entire body as a paintbrushes. People roll around in paint and leave the imprint of their bodies on a giant white sheet. When Yves Klein first presented a body printing show, he only used naked women who he called his human paintbrushes. This show has received a lot of backlash for its sexism.

At the end, art is evolving everyday like everything else in our lives. It’s always at a point where it can correctly capture the ideologies and culture of the current era.
Painting Techniques of the New Age

Painting Techniques of the New Age


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