Matt Sanderss profil

Intro to Interior Architecture

I took Intro to Interior Architecture with Patricia Roka during RISD's wintersession period.  Interior Architecture is about adaptive reuse and redesign of existing spaces.  There is an emphasis on green practice in the field, as simply recycling a building is often more efficient than rebuilding it.
I admire the field of interior architecture for its sustainable ethos and sensitive philosophy.  I learned to consider the context of things on a broad scale.  In order to repurpose something, structural considerations are only the beginning.  One must consider a building's energy use, the infrastructure of its area, the building's history, and how it effects the culture around it.  Interior Architecture values sensitivity to context and impact.  These values are something I'll retain in my work moving forward.
This four week project was to create a proposal to turn a parking lot kiosk into a place of cleansing.
The class made a map of the parking lot kiosks in downtown Providence, RI.
This is the hut I was set on repurposing.
After measuring its dimensions, I created a 1:12 model of the kiosk.
The oculus of the Pantheon creates what is termed "apotheosis"; elevation to the level of the divine.  I know from experience the inspiring feeling of standing in the Pantheon's spotlight.
I admired the inviting, protecting effect of the thick entrances of igloos.
Lighthouses are symbols of guidance and safety.  They've historically lead ships and warned them of danger.  I wanted to replicate this effect of light as a symbol of guidance.
I mapped different aspects of the surrounding area.  This was a map of food stores.
A map of snow on the ground
A map of the progression of shadows throughout the day
A map of trash cans
A map of foliage
Sketches of possible roof layouts
After researching ways to diffract light, I was inspired by ship prisms.  I created a few of my own through glass casting with sand and graphite blocks.  Later, a discarded piece of glass proved to be the best at diffracting light.
My final model
Intro to Interior Architecture

Intro to Interior Architecture

Transforming a parking lot kiosk into a place of cleansing


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