VOLTA STUDIO's profile

Offley Classic Portos

Offley Classic Portos
Restyling experience
Offley was founded in 1737, but with the arrival of the visionary Joseph James Forrester to the company in 1831, a renewed and irreverent attitude was introduced. A truly charismatic character, James continually fought for the quality of Porto wines and against poor winemaking practices. The first to map the Douro valley and river, he earned recognition which ultimately led to him being granted the title of Baron of Forrester in 1855.
To this day, Offley still keeps James Forrester’s ambitious attitude, creating wines that are very proud of their heritage and tradition. That’s why they felt the need to reinforce the brand positioning and uplift their exhausted packaging.
After the brief, VOLTA set out to understand the weaknesses and strengths of the bottle’s labels and packs: a typographic change was very much needed, but at the same time, the use of big characters on the labels is a stand out point. Their size and colour guarantee the bottles are spotted from afar, so we focused our work on the rearrangement of this specific detail: position, colour, type and size.
The result are punchier label and bottle packs: the brand is now younger and more attractive, displaying an improved perceived quality that Offley needed to keep on making great Porto wines.

2005 - Old Offley Labels vs. 2018 - New Offley Labels
Offley Classic Portos


Offley Classic Portos
