( R U A ) ³

"Rua ao cubo", or cubed street, is how we say.

Sometimes all it takes to remind us that there's life outside is a giant cube. To unite me and you. To show that a square can be more than a square: it can be a meeting, a reading, a playing place or, even, a place of emotions. 

(RUA)³ is a never-seen-before tool created by Bela Rua to study public spaces and connect people who wants to transform.

For this edition, the 5th, the theme was "brazilianness" (brasilidade). So the inspiration came from the "arte marajoara", an amazonian indigenous art style originated from the Marajó Isle, Pará, in the north region of Brazil.

This is the report for the study. You can download it here.

Art Direction & Design: Renato Forster
Copy: Juliana Barsi
Photos: Renato Forster and Alex Fisberg

(RUA)³ Report


(RUA)³ Report

"Rua ao cubo", or cubed street, is how we say. Sometimes all it takes to remind us that there's life outside is a giant cube. To unite me and yo Read More
