Fit Station

A communal fitness park designed for all ages to promote exercise and health within communities. This was also a requirement for one of my classes in university. The task was just to develop a space that everyone could use within a community of our choice. During my research, I was able to identify the problem of lack of exercise in Filipinos due to the lack of access to a gym and/or laziness. Since the park is for any sort of community, It may be easily accessed. The park contains a rock climbing wall, jump platforms, parkour area, calisthenics gym, covered court for dance and yoga exercises, marked flooring for plyometric workouts.

I believe that sports it's essential to our daily lives. It provides an opportunity to work our bodies, souls and minds as well as practice our social skills with other athletes whether its through peer-improvement or competitions. It's a fun and different way to unite a community.

This area is for more rigorous activities. There's a jungle gym for pulling motion exercises and parallel bars for the pushing motion. Gymnastic rings can be used with these bars. The middle portion of the playground is where you can find a set of box jump platforms for leg work outs and painted spots for foot work exercises. Lastly, a mini parkour course is open for free-running and cardio work.

The court is where the community can have seminars or fitness talks, healthy food bazaars, weightlifting competitions, yoga or zumba sessions. It'a completely open space for mixed use. Benches are also provided throughout the park for resting 
Fit Station


Fit Station


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