Remember those lazy Sunday mornings that we used to have together
 That feeling when the rain was pouring down outside and we were wrapped up in bed together.
 Those walks in the park near my house are always my favourite, I love listening to the birds, they seemed free, it is so... peaceful
 I hated you when you lost my Dad’s old jacket..
You have to go through the bad bits to get the good bits don’t you?
no one quite as much as us though.
we are like magnets, forever attracted, being sucked back together.
it’s not as easy as that.
I think it is. 
even after it all, I still miss you, the pull of the magnets is too strong...just like you always said…. 

NEVER MORE is a love story but a love story where love is not always the winer.

DOP/DP: Alfonso Gavilán
Art Director: Laure iffenecker
Written By: Hannah Walker
Dir assistant: Shabazz St Leonce
Cast: Lorena Campos, Alex Merry
Music: Edoardo Agostini

Thanks for watching.
NEVER MORE Shortfilm.

NEVER MORE Shortfilm.
