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女漢字|Girl Crush

女漢字|Girl Crush
漢字是反映中華文化一個非常重要的載體。girl crush從女字看女子,例如:嫌、奸、妒、婦等字,反映了中國傳統觀念上男尊女卑的思想。又例如:嫩,嫣,嫵,媚等字代表了當時社會對女性的審美觀,一套四本的女部字字典,除了帶有學習功能外,希望傳達出中華文化中關於女性的價值與觀念。
Girl crush is a dictionary all about words related to women, providing more insight on the 女(female) chinese character radical, and promoting issues concerning females.
The dictionary as the main medium to convey the cultural information linked with chinese characters concerning women.

女漢字|Girl Crush