Maria Goryachkina 님의 프로필

36 (drawings) in 15 (hours)

you know, how there is 100 drawings in 100 days?
well this is 36 drawings in 15 hours.

a series of 36 drawings conducted in 2 days with no restriction whatsoever. 
observational drawings mostly of the details from the surrounding world. 
inside you will see plants, cracks on the walls, view from the window, tea in a cup and lots of other small thins you do not usually see.

it is an important ability to observe. 
the more attention you pay to the world - the more beautiful and interesting it becomes​​​​
day 1 : hour 1
day 1 : hour 2
day 1 : hour 3
day 1 : hour 4
keeping all the drawings black and white (or at least at the same tonality) i wanted to concentrate attention on formal qualities (line, direction, movement) without disturbing it with colour
day 1 : hour 5
day 1 : hour 6
day 1 : hour 7
day 1 : hour 9
day 1 : hour 10
day 2 : hour 1
day 2 : hour 2
day 2 : hour 3
day 2 : hour 4
day 2 : hour 5
thank you for your time
36 (drawings) in 15 (hours)

36 (drawings) in 15 (hours)

36 drawings in 15 hours variety of media and subject matter
