
Logo development for a new fashion brand from Germany. Anfenger is focused on high quality fabrics from Germany. It is based in Moers, Niederrhein. This logo was one of the favorites.
To visualize the name "Anfenger" (beginner) I've added two vertical lines before and after the name to represent steps upwards. Reduced to the "A" and the steps it is the brand image of the logo. Anfenger is an urban style brand. So I choosed a modern, sans serif type and added a little sweep to the r to give it a feminin touch because Anfenger creates ladie's and unisex clothes and accessoires. "charakterzart" means "character tender" and refers to the soft high quality cashmere and other fabrics which are used for the products.

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Matheus Ferrero
Krists Luhaers
Spencer Backman
Christian Wiediger


Corporate design for a young German fashion designer


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