Profil użytkownika „Ti-Ming Chu”

Collected in【 DOUTONE 】

【 Duotone – Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design】published by Sandu Publishing 

作品受邀收錄於 三度出版社出版的【 Duotone – Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design  】

【 出版資訊 】
Duotone – Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design

This book explores the possibilities and applications of two-tone palettes in graphic design through three sections that cover different effects and finishes: colour matching, duotone effects and gradation.

The projects included here cover different design categories, from logos, brochures, posters, packaging materials, book covers and exhibition materials to screen designs for corporate websites and promotional microsites. The wide variety of designs reveals the endless possibilities of duotone and the ways in which designers and artists make full use of two bright colours to create dramatic and dynamic compositions.

Two-tone palettes are a huge trend in graphic design, as they allow cost savings, enhance readability and make the most of minimalist designs without overwhelming the eye. These qualities make them perfect for effortlessly creating atmospheres.​​​​​​​

作爲設計中不可或缺的元素,色彩往往是一件作品中先令人眼前一亮的部分。當色彩的選擇成百上千,“如何用更少的色彩實現更強的視覺吸引力”成爲考驗設計師的重要課題。 本書展示了全球130件僅使用兩種顏色完成的平面設計作品。這些作品或是運用精巧的色彩搭配,或是採用特殊的設計(雙色板、漸變效果)和印刷技巧(Risograph孔板印刷、絲網印刷等等)。從這本書中,讀者不僅可以探索色彩的包容性和可塑性,更能領略設計師的創意腦洞。

Photography | HUANG Po-Chao 黃柏超
Editorial & Publish |  Sandu Publishing

Collected in【 DOUTONE 】


Collected in【 DOUTONE 】

Duotone – Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design
