
I decided to pick my dad’s name, however, I encompassed my entire family into the making of this family crest.  I got inspiration from my moms side of the family and my dad’s side of the family.  I gathered information on what each of them did meaning traditions, their backgrounds, and some similarities between the families.


There is a lot of symbolism with my family crest.  We first have the cross which represents Christ.  Our family is catholic and almost everyone has been baptized.  The Mexican and American flags represent my family being half Mexican and half American.  On my moms side, her parents came from Mexico.  On my dad’s side, I believe, his dad was from Mexico but I think his mom was from Texas.  The bottom left shows tile.  The tile represent how most of my uncles and my dad and grandparents have been involved with construction work and doing tile all around houses was what they were really great at.  The two hearts show how my family is very family oriented and how we always do things together and how close we are with each other.
Family Crest

Projekt erstellt für

Family Crest

