Cloud Nine is a site-specific installation for ‘Floating Imagery’ public outdoor sculpture solo exhibition at Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY. Cloud Nine represents an abstract state of absolute comfort, happiness, achievement and peacefulness. 
Dimension: L - 84 in x 60 in x 56 in (D)
                   M - 44 in x 30 in x 30 in (D) 
                   S - 28 in x 22 in x 22 in (D)
Medium: Cable Ties, Monofilament
Year: 2018
Floating Imagery, Public Outdoor Sculpture Solo Exhibition
Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY
Sept 14 - End of Dec, 2018

Floating Imagery

In Floating imagery, I attempt to represent and visualize free-floating images that come to our mind. Whether vague or clear, soft and delicate or sharp and strong, they visit us, come and go, or sometimes linger on. Even if for a split second, these images tend to capture us, make us pause and ponder, and compel us to recall and reconnect in full color. They seem to be representing something that we continue to mind, seek and hope for with great expectations.



Cloud Nine is a site-specific installation for ‘Floating Imagery’ public outdoor sculpture solo exhibition at Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY. Clou Lue lisää


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