設計奇觀 | Designing the Spectacle

設計奇觀 — 香港正稿時代 | Designing the Spectacle - Pre-Digital Graphic Design Practices
《設計奇觀 — 香港正稿時代》是由香港理工大學設計學院的信息設計研究室策劃,展出的設計正稿全由手工製作,製作年份於1950至1990之間,更展出製作正稿所需要各種的工具。主視覺以「正稿背後的製作過程」作為設計概念,顯現出設計時經常運用工具繪製時的三個方式:繪畫、量度、剪貼,並使用適合的工具,配上三原色去製作平面設計中基本的幾何元素,喻意基本功對當時製作正稿的重要性,最後以負片形式表達正稿已順利完成。
‘Designing the Spectacle: Pre-digital graphic design practices’ is an exhibition organised by Information Design Lab, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It exhibited a collection of hand-painted design artworks, design and drafting tools from the 1950s to 1990s. The main visual is inspired by the drafting and artwork-making process before the finished products, visualising three common process of pre-digital graphic design practices — Draw and paint, Cut and paste and Measurement. The corresponding tools are matched with three primary colours and basic geometric elements, implying the importance of mastering ‘the basics’. At last, a negative film effect is applied throughout to symbolise the final and completing step of the artwork-making process.

Client: Information Design Lab from School of Design The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Art Direction: Fan Shui Lun, Kwok Sze Hang Brian
Graphic Design: Fan Shui Lun
Exhibition Design: Fan Shui Lun
Infographic: Yau Wing Sum Kiki
Editorial Design: Lee Kwun Ting Andrew
Photography: Ng Cho Yiu Seewhy
Editorial: Anneke Coppoolse, Lorraine Ho
Interview: Clive Ng
設計奇觀 | Designing the Spectacle
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