Профиль Van Ho

Bert and Ernie in a world where you can be anything

That is what made Mister Rogers great his message was for everyone and I believe that he genuinely cared for and loved everyone. Bert and Ernie in a world where you can be anything be the kind shirt. He also made his show and got that message out to as many people as he could. So many people today injecting themselves with needles or pills trying to becomes something “special” when all along his message of them being special just the way they are never made it through. Well, the idea that everyone is special and deserves to be loved. Is actually a Christian belief. God is Love. Behold I am fearfully and wonderfully made… which is simplified by Rogers. The only problem with this is it’s not done with the purpose of what it meant to do.
Bert and Ernie in a world where you can be anything be kind
Grooming kids and sexual abuse is how homosexuality occurs in basic questioning kids. Bert and Ernie in a world where you can be anything be a kind shirt. They’re indoctrinating them for a reason – just look at transtrenders or the crazy high amounts of childhood sexual trauma suffered by homosexual people. It’s horrific high. Wow, they are insane. Good on Frank Oz for holding his ground on the issue despite the crazies piling on. They get bent out of shape because he says “of course” and the crazies say “WHAT DO YOU MEAN OF COURSE?!”… Because Sesame Street for many years has said they aren’t, just because you plug your ears and ignored it while living in a fantasy land doesn’t change it. They are so used to being able to throw their little hissy fit and get their way that they don’t know how to act when it doesn’t work out that way. The people on that thread have absolutely no identity. I wouldn’t be surprised if none of them were even actually gay.
Bert and Ernie in a world where you can be anything

Bert and Ernie in a world where you can be anything


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