OCD 甲古文設計 的个人资料

The master' private tea(2nd generation)老爷子的私房茶

The master' private tea ( 2nd generation )

Sharing good is the core of this brand. The upgraded gift box consists of four small boxes of tea, decorated with mountains, birds, teapots, and enamel. Each box has a quiet collection.
There is a red envelope on the outside of the gift box, where you can write a congratulatory message. Inside the gift box is a tool box, a small scissors and a metal clip. A postcard will be included in each gift box to write your thoughts on it.
The master' private tea is deserved. It won the 2015 Pentawards Gold Award,  the 2016 The Dieline Outstanding Achievement Award, and the 2016 Golden Pin Design Award.


"老爷子的私房茶"可谓内外兼修,实至名归。斩获了 2015 Pentawards 全球包装设计大奖金奖、2016 The Dieline 杰出成就奖、2016 台湾金点设计奖三项大奖。
The master' private tea(2nd generation)
OCD 甲古文创意
Wechat Public Account:ocdwe2006
Cell Phone:+86 15889498089
Address :Oracle creative mansion,Shekou harbour road 18th,Nanshan district Shenzhen China
The master' private tea(2nd generation)老爷子的私房茶

The master' private tea(2nd generation)老爷子的私房茶

Package Design for The master' private tea(2nd generation)
