Christopher Gottardo's profile

Non-Profit Fantasy Event

The goal was to choose an existing non-profit organization, create a fictional event hosted by it, and then create a promotional booklet for said fake event. 
From the start, the availability of adequate identity materials was a large concern. My best chance for creating a successful project would involve finding an organization that already had its corporate identity assets readily available. (Several classmates would later make the mistake of trying to make a go of it using low resolution raster images of their non-profit's logo.) 
The American Red Cross turned out to have a plethora of material available. 
Lucky for me, the current season of Showtime's Dexter was finishing up at the time of this project and was fresh on everyone's minds. The title character's unhealthy obsession with blood tied in very nicely with one of the most common types of events the Red Cross hosts, a blood drive. 

While I don't know if the American Red Cross could swing an all-expenses paid trip to a red carpet Hollywood and meet 'n' greet, I like to think the Red Cross wouldn't need to worry about their blood reserves for quite some time. 
Back Cover
Michael C. Hall, star of Dexter
Kennedy University is a fictional college
Fictional names and phone numbers made using an online generator
 The icons portray the uniqye "tools" used by the show's title character 
Perforated entry form
Non-Profit Fantasy Event

Non-Profit Fantasy Event

Promotional booklet for a fictional event hosted by the non-fictional American Red Cross.
