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Zombies for Medicare for All

Facebook Illustration for a Medicare for All Event 
CAUSE: Healthcare

COMMUNITY GROUPS I'm supporting with my design: 
- Fight for Medicare for All organization 
- California Nurses Association
- Healthy California

Create an eye-catching Facebook flier event to inform people about a volunteer opportunity to support the fight for Medicare for all. Participants will dress up as zombies chanting (and grunting) for healthcare during the 2018 Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena, California.  

Healthcare advocates and activists
General public who likes zombies and role playing

They sign up to attend and dress up as a zombie. 
They share the event. 

Initially, I had been asked to help organize the event. I could not offer that type of help so instead I offered an idea for the theme: zombies. I stated that people are dying due to a lack of proper healthcare (medicines and treatment cost too much) and they eventually turned into zombies. 
No color palette was specified or requested. 
No copy was offered up until post-design, including no taglines and any details. 
No timeline given except that the event would take place in mid-November.  

I've never drawn a zombie before much less digitally but I have watched a bunch of seasons of the Walking Dead. 

I am still playing with the color palette and composition. 

Zombies for Medicare for All
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Zombies for Medicare for All

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