My eldest sister (in the blue pinafore) - #1 - sent me this pic this morning. I've found I always favored my sister J., #2, holding Dad's hand (I'm Dad's clone, there's no mistaking who I belong to), but the uniform situation with the dates puzzles me. This is 1964, because the babe-in-arms, Sister #3, was born that year.

The uniform Dad is wearing is a T-121, and the US Army adopted olive drab in the early 60s, like a year earlier I think, but that's the Army for you. I have seen Dad's shadowbox of decorations, which I intend to restore, and that badge is not in there - may or may not mean anything, but you try not to lose stuff like that. A quick internet search does not pull up any 1960s decorations resembling jellyfish. My Dad says there's things from his Army career he doesn't want to tell me until he's about to pass. Those things belong to him, no matter what. If he never tells another soul, it doesn't matter. My dad is my best friend, and I am damned grateful for that.

Also, what the HECK is going on with that painting and door frame? I'm [un]sure if this was when he was deployed in Kaiserslautern, DE, because no German landlord would allow that sort of crooked painting or door frame. Still, right time frame. What's the story here, Padre?
Forensic Enhancement


Forensic Enhancement

Forensic and image enhancement of decades-old family photos for use in modern media.
