MYTH - Ares God of War​​​​​​​
God of war, one of 12 Olympian Gods.
Son of Zeus (God of Sky and King of Gods) and Hera (Goddess of Marriage and Queen of Olympus).
Least favourite child.
In literature, represents the violent and physical untamed aspect of war.
Greeks had mixed feelings towards him because he was a dangerous, overwhelming force that was insatiable in battle.
Known as the lover of Aphrodite.
When in literature, he typically faces humiliation —> one story exposes him and Aphrodite to ridicule by the gods when trapped by her husband as they were naked in bed.
Was never popular with men or immortals.
Biological father for at least 3 of Hercules enemies (Cycnus, Lycaon and Diomedes).
Conceived more mortal children than divine children.
Depicted in art by wearing a helmet, a shield and either a sword or spear. Drives a four horse chariot and accompanied by dogs or vultures.
Reckless and irresponsible behaviour led him to be rash and act on his impulses rather than a battle plan.
Not very brave despite being god of war.
Feared by people as he ignored the well being of his followers.
Tried to increase the death and destruction caused by war.
Warriors of Sparta were devoted to supporting him and even made human sacrifices to him with the prisoners of war. 
Best relationships with women out of all the gods. Showed respect to his partners.
Tale of Ares slaying one of Poseidon’s sons, who had raped his daughter.
Macedonia paid homage to Ares.
The Fall of Phaeton (<>)
MYTH - Ares God of War

MYTH - Ares God of War
