Flyer - Pão de Açúcar
Info: Promotional flyer designed to the company Pão de Açúcar.
Softwares: Illustrator, Photoshop.
Company: Pão de Açúcar (2009)
Flyer - Kangoo Jumps
Info: Promotional flyer designed to the company Kangoo Jumps.
Softwares: Illustrator, Photoshop.

CompanyKangoo Jumps (2012)
Flyer - Passaporte FC (São Paulo Futebol Clube)
Info: Promotional flyer designed to the company PassaporteFC.
Softwares: Illustrator, Photoshop.
CompanyPassaporte FC (2012)
Flyer - Kangoo Jumps
Info: Promotional flyer designed to the company Kangoo Jumps.
Softwares: Illustrator, Photoshop.
CompanyKangoo Jumps (2012)
Flyer - Kangoo Jumps
Info: Promotional flyer designed to the company Kangoo Jumps.
Softwares: Illustrator, Photoshop.
CompanyKangoo Jumps (2012)


Folders que eu já desenvolvi ou reestruturei para algumas campanhas.
