Perfil de Lu ZhouhengPerfil de Naiyoujun 奶油菌

Mobile Game Addiction .gif Animation

A preheated html5 mini-game project for a game called MT4, this is the illustration and animation section of this project.

The convenience of mobile devices takes up most of our time, playing, working, and consuming individual time. A closer look reveals that people can unconsciously lift mobile devices in any situation. 

The illustration section of this project depicts a group of people who are happy in mobile devices. And in these interesting illustrations, I noticed the possibility of animation. 

This is a semi-experimental animation attempt to see if you can get enough dopamine?

MATTING & REDRAW:  Lu Zhouheng
ANIMATION:  Lu Zhouheng

Scan QR code to play entire html5 mini game~


Mobile Game Addiction .gif Animation
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Mobile Game Addiction .gif Animation

A preheated html5 mini-game project for a game called MT4, this is the illustration and animation section of this project. The convenience of mo Ver mais

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