Alice Spring Cooking
Pastry Book

Alice Spring Cooking’s book is a personal project about pastry. One way to have all my recipes in one book, it's easier to bring along during my travels. I started with this idea, and then I thought about the website !
Concept ? Create pastries the most easily possible, beautiful and tasty, to impress friends and family, during a diner or a party ! Family recipes with simple flavors, and with products that can easily be found on the market, no matter where you live.

It’s a  book of 164 pages, and it’s in two parts : recipe and skills. The recipes are divided in season with a supplementary section with some pastry basics.
The left page is for the text, and the right one is for photos, to follow the edition norm. Each recipe is grade between 1 at 5 to see the degree of difficulty of her realization.
I opted for a current writing to be near of my readers.
All photos are realized by myself, in such a way to be like social network’s photos (on the top) to be in !
Finally, I choose for a rigid cover for a best manipulation of the book (especially when we’re cooking !)
Print and Edition                                                                                           

I used the luluxpress website to print my book: it's cheap and the quality impressed me. I can print to the unit, so it was the best way to try different papers or just compare the results of my photos. Furthermore, I can edit my book with them. So, it was the best choice for me. 

Design comes directly from the concept : handmade, family mind, and warm like a tea salon with a such of new.
The cover is simple and minimaliste, with some warm colors. All of this aspires to a vintage and handmade mind.

I choose a typography set between a curvy font for titles to avoid the older style of cooking, and an other one with serif for the rest of the recipe to have a little bit of vintage. Like this, all the recipes are clears and readables. And for some of them, I add a sketch to explain the dressage, in a modern style.
The photos show a cosy and warm environment, who makes us feel at home.
Pastry Book

Pastry Book

Alice Spring Cooking’s book is a personal project about pastry. One way to have all my recipes in one book, to be easily to come during my travel Se mer
