- poisonous -
- tranquil -
- roasted -
- spell -

- chicken -
- drooling -
- exhausted -
- star -
- precious -
- flowing -
- cruel -
- whale -
- guarded -
- clock -
- weak -
- angular -
- swollen -
- bottle -

- scorched -
- breakable -

- drain -
- expensive -
- muddy -
- chop -
- prickly -
- stretch -
- thunder -
This one i had to do it on a Saturday, and I almost forgot to do it ... but I found a solution in the bar where I was
- gift -
Güerrin is a famous pizza place in Buenos Aires, and it is amaaaazing. 
- double -
- jolt -
- slice -
inktober 2018

inktober 2018
