yoyojin's profile

Untitled (77/100)


I started 100 Art Work Challenge in 2016 to break through myself also sharing the production process and information.

Title: Untitled

Place: Zambia

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

<Artwork: Acrylic on canvas, Video: Premiere + After effect>
When I make this work, I was asking to myself

'why I'm doing this?...'


Am I good enough to show my work to the others?

Think over and over and over and over again...

It never stop...
Thanks for your attention.

Want to see more? Keep in touch by clicking the "Follow" link at bottom.

You can also visit my social media?for more information as below.

+ https://www.facebook.com/streetartyoyo
+ https://www.instagram.com/streetartyoyo
+ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmE5hc0dBeKStVw1FNLuIYw

Untitled (77/100)

Untitled (77/100)

Sometimes I have lots of think and can't stop about it ;p)
