YinXin He's profile

Book illustration: Vietnamese Proverbs

Project in 4. Semester: Book illustration. 
My work is about Vietnamese proverbs. With this book, foreigners learns about vietnamese culture though proverbs - why we say/act like that. 

It was one of the projects that I love the most (even unfinished, it's still in the form of an Exposé). The illustrations were done with linol print. It took quite a long time but fun to work with and really enjoyed it. 
Cover 1
Cover 2.
The figure was inspired by an ancient figure carved on a copper drum of vietnamese ancestors (on the cover1). 
It's a double cover. The circle of cover 1 is cut out so you can see the cover 2 through it (photos of the printed product will be updated)
The index is demonstrated as different cities/regions of Vietnam. 
Book illustration: Vietnamese Proverbs


Book illustration: Vietnamese Proverbs

Book illustration: Understanding vietnamese culture through its sayings
