Profil Patrick

Chatter Bookmarks Concept

A concept I did to explore how users could better manage and share bookmarked items in Salesforce Chatter.
Bookmarks Overview
1) Bookmarks that have been pinned to top.
2) All bookmarks (excluding pinned) below divider. Descending order - most recently bookmarked on top.
Bookmarks Overview
1)Image - Groups, People, Feed posts would use profile pictures. Files would use preview for images, file type icon otherwise. Links would pull preview or default to a link icon. Topics - icon. Icon would also be shown if accounts, records, etc. are bookmarked
2)Name - Default to group, person, link, topic, or file name. For feeds use formatting: "Group posted to - Author Name" Followed by teaser text and authored date
3) Bookmark Type
4)Actions - Pin/Unpin to top, and Share bookmark buttons. Actions would darken on hover, Pin icon would be light if not pinned to top and dark when item is pinned. Clicking on pin icon moves bookmark to pinned list / Removes from pinned list.
Row Hover
1) Delete bookmark button appears on hover. Clicking it removes the bookmarked item from bookmarks.
Drag & Drop
1) Holding down click on row would enable user to drag bookmark from "all" to "pinned to top" instead of having to click the Pin icon
Drag & Drop
1) Rows would split to accommodate new pinned book mark. "Landing" area would have dashed border to give user visual cue as to where the bookmark will be dropped when they release their mouse/finger
Drag & Drop
1) After bookmark is dropped into Pinned area, row would flash a color to indicate successful change. Bookmark would no longer be shown below the divider.
1) Clicking share button reveals modal
2) Preview of original bookmarked item is displayed
3) Text box to input a comment
1) Drop down menu allows user to share with Followers, Group, and Person. Would default to sharing with Followers (post to own feed). Checkmark indicates selection
1) Choosing to share with a person or group would reveal new field to enter a name to select the person/group to share the bookmark with
1) As the user begins to type a name, a quick find drop down appears with matching results
2) Clicking a name from the search drop down adds that person/group to the share
1) After selecting a name from the search drop down, the name appears in a "name tag" indicating who the bookmark will be shared with. Clicking on the "X" removes the name. Clicking the name text field and typing allows the user to add more people to the bookmark share.
Chatter Bookmarks Concept

Chatter Bookmarks Concept

A concept I did to explore how users could better manage bookmarked items in Salesforce Chatter.
