harry parkers profil

New Scientist for University

Brain shock image 1: An article examining PTSD in bomb blast survivors. 
Brain shock image 2: Not all injuries and physical
Gimme money image 1: An article that examines how human nature will change when money is involed.
Gimme money image 2: Can you buy happiness? 
Seven Things About Gravity 1: Do We Understand Gravity?
Seven Things About Gravity 2: Why is Gravity so Weak?
Seven Things About Gravity 3: Will We Ever Have A Quantum Theory

Who's the Daddy: image 1, a women's choice in partner directly effect the gene pool. 
Who's the Daddy: image 2, conception metaphor.
Seeing isn't Believing: octopus-spider 
Seeing isn't believing: Pretzel-Snake 

Illustrations I did for my university course, I used existing articles that my tutor picked from the New Scientist magazine. 
New Scientist for University

New Scientist for University
