My RBC Internship 
Over the summer of 2018 I had the opportunity to experience what it is like to work on the Digital Design Team of RBC.
Our team preformed 8 Google Venture style sprints to make a new internal design system. As a group we did some collaborative sketching, prototyping, and usability testing. After each testing session the data was synthesized and we came up with new goals and actionable items for the next sprint.  Each prototype generated a new set of assumptions that we built and tested. 

Our goal was to create a design system that rested on the following principles: 
1) Actionable - easily find the components and elements you are looking for
2) Unifying - bridging the gap between design and developers, empowering people with all the knowledge 
3) Trust - have users feel the information they are getting is relevant and correct 
4) Resilient - make a system that will last and is consistent 

Here is a general overview of our research over the summer:
My RBC Internship

My RBC Internship
