Skagen Watch
This project is a very technical, step by step, creation. It takes very strong attention to detail, There are so many ways to get the effect you want, so the possibilities are still endless. 
My purpose in creating this watch was to learn how to use small details to recreate an image. My goal was to make it look like an image and not a vector. 
My sketches started out all over the place. I hadn't nailed down the image of a watch I wanted to recreate, so I tried many different designs. The sketches helped me realize which watch I actually wanted to recreate. 
This was my first draft. The handles had problems with the shading, The outer edge needed some fine tuning, and it wasn't quite photo-realistic yet. 
Watching tutorials and realizing that I needed more attention to detail in the gradients helped my vector improve dramatically. I also adjusted the shadows under the handles and worked on the shading on the handles. They were subtle but important changes. 
Throughout the experience, I learned that small things make a difference. All the little steps, shadows, and gradients are what gives this watch a realistic look. 
Skagen Watch
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Skagen Watch

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