Well 2013 has been very productive so far! I have been working on a number of commissions as well as personal projects to continue developing my style and pushing my ideas. I have definitely acquired an interest in alternative fashion illustrations, which I am really enjoying.
Images like this are very enjoyable to create, and combine the imagery of high end fashion with something a little darker and grittier. I believe images like this can be very powerful.
This illustration was inspired by a lady I saw on the tube here in London. Obviously there was a lot of artistic license to be had, but I worked hard on expressing the qualities this girl had. Vibrant, powerful and full of colour. I also played with layering various materials, from chalks to pencil, inks to pen.
This image was created using spraypaint (an expensive commodity I've realised!) and the faint outline of the hand print was actually completely accidental- it appeared during the scanning process! However I felt it added a special extra touch to the image, one which already incorporated a heart.
Animals have recently become a fascinating subject for me. When I was young and stubborn I refused to draw them, thinking them boring. Then it suddenly dawned on me - they aren't boring when I draw them! (God that makes me sound obnoxious, uh oh! I'm not though. I don't think!) Basically I enjoy drawing all sorts of creatures, including this owl, with the same ferocious energy I draw anything else with - going nuts with my pens and ink, and creating something passionate and vibrant.
I am intrigued by beauty and varying attitudes attributed to what we're 'meant' to look like. It's a tricky one, as a girl, and it's hard to keep up. This was a pen only drawing of a model-esque girl wondering if she's pretty, a thought that I imagine goes through their heads as much as us 'normal' lasses.
I am simultaniously in love with and terrified of technology. This complex illustration focuses on our moden obsession with tech; phones, tablets, computers, laptops, iPods, cameras...the list goes on. It is liberating and stunting at the same time, opening our minds up to new information and experiences while at the same time closing us off from many others. Scary stuff.
Jan-Feb 2013 New Work

Jan-Feb 2013 New Work

A selection of new work from January and February 2013.


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