KEYSTONE DESIGN 點石設計's profileCIVI SZU-WEI CHENG's profile

O-Kai Singers / Album Art Design

Music Packaging
After six years, we finally made the decision to release our second album.
During those six years, naturally, a lot of things had happened. People came and went, a continual maintenance of things breaking apart and then coming back together; songs were sung and then stopped, stopped and then sung. Of course, the process of making an album can’t always be brightness and light; we’ve passed through low tides and valleys. 

Our greatest concern was the health of our producer, Jia-Ching. But the work had to be done, and so we never gave up singing. Even when feeling worn out and lost, we still believed in that spark: we believed in our commitment to the music; that our persistence would be worthwhile; that we would make a beautiful record.

The album in your hands, black and shimmering, holds the songs that even in the deepest, darkest night, we are still singing to you with all our hearts, so that when you listen to them, you will feel, as we did, hope and illumination.
~by Lulu (
Production Executive)​​​​​​​
O-Kai Singers 

2017 奧地利格拉茲國際現代阿卡貝拉大賽﹝爵士組世界金牌冠軍﹞(史無前例由華人獲獎) Jazz Category: Gold, First Prize (Ward Swingle Award)  2016 台灣國際重唱藝術節-世界盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽﹝金牌第一名﹞﹝最佳主唱獎﹞﹝最佳舞台呈現獎﹞2016 菲律賓薄荷國際合唱節比賽(BICFC)-流行音樂/爵士音樂﹝冠軍﹞2016 ⾹港國際無伴奏合唱比賽-公開組/人聲樂團(國際賽)﹝冠軍﹞首張專輯《O-Kai A Cappella》獲:台灣第24屆GMA金曲獎 2013﹝評審團獎﹞﹝最佳演唱組合獎﹞﹝最佳原住民語專輯獎﹞三項大獎台灣第24屆GMA金曲獎 2013﹝最佳新人獎﹞﹝最佳專輯製作人獎﹞﹝最佳編曲人獎﹞提名美國 CASA 評選為CARAs 2013﹝最佳爵士專輯﹞台灣中華音樂人交流協會 2012﹝年度十大專輯﹞

Some People Say

Credits :
Production Executive/郭怡伶
Vocal Producer/賴家慶、葉孝恩(1、4、8)、葉微真(8)
Production assistance/黃兆宇、廖彥智
Recording Engineer/黃兆宇、廖彥智、張哲緯(7)
Recording Studio/歐開錄音室、國立臺南藝術大學應用音樂學系錄音室(7)
Editor/Nicholas Girard
Mixing Engineer/Craig Burbidge、Bill Hare (8)
Art Design/點石設計  鄭司維、黃慧甄
Graphic Design Assistant/莊淳安
3D modeling/許書毓 (浮雕3D建模)​​​​​​​
O-Kai Singers / Album Art Design

O-Kai Singers / Album Art Design
